dimanche 8 février 2009

And so it begins...

Without knowing it, I made the decision to retrain Jasmine in agility. I admit that the temptation is there to continue enter her in trials but the total absence of focus on her part convinced me that I must do something or keep on flushing money into competitions without getting anywhere.

During a fun match in October 2008, I met CB who follows Greg Derrett’s method which is also tought by Susan Garrett. It takes me several months to convince myself that our performance in Kingston in November is the cherry on the Sunday. As much as I enjoyed it, I quickly realise that Jasmine will not improve if I continue training as before.

C B’s approach is completely different from what I was doing before. The dog must learn how to find a solution to a problem. It’s called “Shaping”.

In the next blog entries, you’ll see the road we take in our work and, yes, a whole different Jasmine in agility.

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Ce blogue sert surtout à suivre l'entraînement de Jasmine à divers sports de chiens. Elle est un pitou très affectueux et elle a une joie de vivre assez contagieuse **************** I use this blog to report Jasmine's training in different dog sports. She's a wonderful pooch who's very affectionate. Dare I mention she has a "joie de vivre" which manifests itself in her zoomies?